Aviation Training and Audition

Aviation Training
Training of Staff


Jaz Aviation and its agents' staff who are required to receive specific training or instruction in aviation activities under the terms and requirements of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Training required by Jaz Aviation and its agents' staff working outstations would be governed by local regulations. Where no such regulations are in force, the Jaz Aviation Training department will advise on requirements. The training department also gives an indication of the content and depth of the various training courses prescribed by the General Authority of Civil Aviation of KSA. The aim is to enable responsible managers to know when aviation training is necessary for their own or their agents' staff.


The objective of aviation training is to ensure that individuals in the aviation industry whose jobs include aviation duties are fully aware of the purpose and practicalities of those activities.


  1. Jaz Aviation Training Program is based on the Saudi Arabian National Civil Aviation Security Training Program (NCASTP) issued by GACA and applicable requirements of other States where operations are conducted.

  2. Jaz Aviation training Department shall review and update its Training Program for continuous improvement whenever regulatory or operational changes take place and ensure that such updates are reflect in all related departments training programs.

  3. Each Division shall conduct their own training and maintain a record of completion and update their Training Program is coordinated with GACA as applicable.

  4. The Training Program has a balanced curriculum of theoretical and practical training that ensures:

    • Jaz Aviation Personnel, and Service providers employee who implement special measures, have the competence to perform their duties;

    • Specify the categories of employee who require training.

Auditing in Aviation

Audits are of increasing importance for aerodromes and authorities when it comes to implementing management systems. Quality management systems (QMS) have proven their value controlling operational processes with focus on quality. As part of the Jaz Aviation continuous improvement cycle, audits are an essential instrument to identify and use potential improvements.

Based on ICAO requirements, the implementation of safety management systems at airports similar principles and instruments are needed to improve the safety of operations. ICAO & GACA’s new requirements focusing on aerodromes also includes the use of audits as part of the oversight function by competent authorities. Therefore, aerodrome inspectors have to possess knowledge about auditing techniques.

The Jaz Aviation is always focusing of this training course to its staff on the basic principles of auditing, audit procedures and techniques. Besides the management of audit programs (e.g. as part of a certification process), a close look will be taken on the whole audit process beginning from planning through conduction up to analysis. Alternative procedures will be presented and discussed. The course refers to the basic principles of the guideline for auditing management systems.

The course enables the participants to conduct audits in their own organization or to prepare for an upcoming audit (e.g. by an authority or external organization). The audit criteria could be safety, quality or environmental aspects at aerodromes. The participants have the possibility to practice what they have learnt.